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In Poll Position

This Friday past, on a glorious late autumn morning, Monique attended the Australian Electoral Commission office in Camberwell for the formal Declaration of Nominations.  

With most of the candidates gathered with members of their campaign teams, the atmosphere in the small room was heavy with nerves and anticipation. The AEC official read out the formal nominations – all 11 of them – and then proceeded to do the random draw for the order that names would appear on the ballot.

Monique was the only candidate brave enough to accept the invitation of the AEC official to step forward and crank the handle of the bingo ball cage. We held our breath as the first name was read out and then…….. ‘RYAN, Monique’ – drawn at number one to be at the top of the ballot. Vote Mon 1 indeed!


Now that the nominations have been declared, donations to Mon’s campaign of up to $1500 are tax-deductible. (Find out more on the ATO website.) 

Kooyong on a knife edge

Psephologists estimate that drawing the first spot on the ballot may deliver an advantage of 1 to 2 percent. 

In a tight race, this small advantage could be very important. And our most recent polling results show that Monique is neck and neck with the incumbent, Josh Frydenberg.  

Our path to victory depends on ensuring a primary vote of 30+ percent for Monique and keeping Josh Frydenberg’s primary to less than 43 percent. These polling results are very good but they are only a snapshot of a given moment, and not a guarantee of an outcome. There is no room for complacency and while this is a remarkable achievement to date, the job is not finished.  

We do not want to wake up four weeks from today and wonder if we could have worked harder.

If you have not yet put up your hand to volunteer, now is the moment to do so!

We can promise you great esprit de corps and the joy of working with a community movement of like-minded people. It’s also a way of taking a stand on the issues that you care about – and it’s a lot more fun than staying home and shouting at the television.

Courage mes amis!

This past week our opponent’s campaign resorted to improper charity CEO endorsements and dirty tricks to try to influence voters. In the face of nasty attack ads, words being taken out of context, and deliberately misleading claims, it can sometimes be hard to turn the other cheek. But retaliation is not Mon’s style and not our campaign ethos. 

The best thing you can do for Mon’s campaign is exactly what you have been doing. Show your community that you’re supporting Mon because you care. 

If you have friends, colleagues or neighbours who are unhappy with the status quo, but are uncertain about the way ahead, please share this newsletter with them. You might also like to share this moving and inspiring opinion piece by our Volunteer Manager, Rob Baillieu. 

My father was a Liberal premier, but I can’t support his party

Let 3000 corflutes bloom!

There are over 2,000 Mon For Kooyong corflutes (signs) up in Kooyong right now. Traditional logic is that the polling tends to narrow closer to Election Day, favouring the incumbent.  

But WHAT IF it didn’t?

What if Kooyong kept rising?  Can you please help us get 3,000 signs up by Election Day?

Show Mon your support, front and centre – put up a sign at your home or business. Let us know if you’re in!

Yes! I’d like a large sign (2.4 x 1.2 metres)

Yes! I’d like a regular sign (corflute)

Note from Mon

Dear all,

With less than a month to election day, the pace of the campaign has really increased. We were buoyed by really good polling data this past week – showing that we’re neck to neck with the Liberal in Kooyong – but we know that these things can change really quickly and that it is absolutely vital that we keep to our task:  meeting the people of Kooyong, listening to what matters to them, developing values-based policies, and reassuring people that they CAN have a local member who will be responsive to their concerns and who will represent them independently and with integrity. On election night, we will need to know that we have done this to the very best of our abilities on every day of the campaign. This is how we will succeed against the deep pockets and corporate connections of Mr Frydenberg’s party machine. 

Integrity remains a really important part of our campaign. With things getting very close, personal attacks on me and other members of the campaign will almost certainly increase. We will not retaliate or reciprocate – that's not what our campaign is about. We’re better than that. 

Integrity and community are really important to all of us in Team Mon. We do better when we care for each other. This week we’ve been supportive of the nationwide calls for greater funding and staffing of community mental health services. Over the past few months many Kooyong residents have told me about their difficulties in accessing and paying for mental health services. This has been an issue for some time, as demonstrated by the Royal Commission into Victoria's mental health system and the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into mental health. We need the federal government to take more responsibility for mental health care by removing the gaps and overlaps in care services, the inequities in service delivery in different parts of the country, and the out-of-pocket payments which make psychological and psychiatric support unaffordable for many people. As your Member for Kooyong, I will continue to advocate strongly for mental health services – it's so important for us all.  

On Monday, I’ll attend ANZAC Day services with members of Team Mon. It’s an important day to remember the generosity and sacrifice of our service members – military, medical, nursing and others. I’ve been a member of the Rats of Tobruk Association for some years. It’s been a privilege to get to know an inspiring group of people focussed on duty and community. On 25 April, we can all think of the debts we owe to previous generations and how we can best make a contribution in our own time.

In the meantime, let’s keep chopping wood, carrying water, and finding 500 more votes.


Collector’s edition T-shirt

An influential movement needs an iconic image. Now you have the chance to wear your own piece of history – while supporting your favourite candidate as she sprints to the finish line.

Meet our collector’s edition campaign T-shirt: a classic, white design with a central, stylised portrait of our candidate.  

Long-time Kew resident WH Chong custom designed this special tee with a clear nod to Warhol’s famous portraits and Obama’s evocative campaign imagery.

Not only does the white background look extra stylish, it makes the classic Team Mon teal in the centre really pop! We absolutely love it.

Want an iconic campaign memento? Pre-order your collector’s edition T-shirt now!

What’s on, Mon?

Kooyong Candidates Forum

One of the most important events on Kooyong’s electoral calendar takes place this week – the Kooyong Candidates Forum on Wednesday 27th April at 7–9pm at the Hawthorn Arts Centre

The Candidates Forum is sponsored by Australia’s oldest and largest community climate action groups, Lighter Footprints. 

Come along and support Mon as she takes the stage alongside Peter Lynch (ALP) and Piers Mitchem (Greens). Unfortunately, despite having participated at all previous Candidates Forums, Josh Frydenberg (Liberal) has declined to attend this time. Perhaps he will change his mind?  

Entry is free. Register now!

Thursday night’s alright!

The excitement is mounting – and things are getting hectic! So we need to check with one another and make sure we’re supporting our fellow volunteers, while kicking back for some pizza and a campaign update from Mon. 

So join us every Thursday night for a slice (or three), a drink (or two), and Mon’s news from the front lines!  Pizza nights run on Thursdays from 6.30–7.30pm at campaign HQ

Why not bring along an undecided friend and show them just how much fun a homegrown campaign can truly be! 

Meet Mon at HQ (655 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn)

  • Tuesday 26 April, 12–1pm
  • Friday 29 April, 10–11am

Street Meet and Greets

  • Tuesday 26 April, 10-11:30am, Camberwell Fresh Food Market
  • Thursday 28 April, 12-1:30pm, Kew Junction
  • Friday 29 April, 11:30-1pm, Maling Road

Want to keep your calendar up to date? Find out about all our upcoming events here.


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