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The government isn't doing enough to fix the housing crisis

RSVP for my Housing Forum, coming up in a couple of weeks. It's chance for me to hear from you, and you to hear from the housing experts.

The government isn’t doing anywhere near enough to fix the housing crisis.

The reality is that the parties have spent the past few months bickering over small picture changes at a time when we need bold, practical action to fix the housing crisis.

I’m working on a housing policy in response to the community’s views and values — which is why I’m hosting the Kooyong Housing Forum at 7pm on Thursday, 28 September.

We’re inviting some of the country’s leading housing thinkers to Kooyong to understand what’s happening and what we can do about it.

Hear from Homelessness Australia CEO Kate Colvin, former Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Director Wendy Stone, and Under Cover documentary producer Adam Farrington-Williams at our special Kooyong Housing Forum.

We need bold, practical action to fix the housing crisis

In Kooyong, 30 percent of renters are facing rental stress.

20 percent of mortgage holders are facing mortgage stress.

Some in our community are facing homelessness.

Others wonder how their children or grandchildren could possibly afford to live near them in the future.

The government needs to be future-focussed, ambitious, and decisive, and I’m ready to push them on this — it’s too important not to.


I’m looking forward to hearing your questions and comments and refining a housing policy based on listening to the community, learning from the experts, and doing what’s best for the country.

All the best,

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