My office and I have heard from many of you who want to see more done to protect our native forests from further decline. On Monday I spoke in the Chamber about the importance of ending native forest logging as Australia strives to meet its 43% emissions reduction target by 2030. I highlighted the significant harms caused by native forest logging including those to health, rural communities, tourism, the economy, and our unique and precious wildlife. On Tuesday evening I spoke in the House about the Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2022. I made clear my concerns that the proposed new Safeguard Mechanism settings do not go far enough in ensuring Australia makes real progress in reducing its emissions. I urged the Government to stop new fossil fuel emissions - this is the most effective way to begin to decarbonise the economy – and to set limits on carbon offsetting. The use of offsets is the least effective option to lower our emissions. The government has said repeatedly that its 43% target for emission reduction by 2030 is floor, not a ceiling - the biggest flaw in this important Bill is its failure to set ceilings - caps- on our carbon emissions. In Question Time on Wednesday, I asked the Hon Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change, about the lack of ceilings provided by the Safeguard Mechanism 2.0. Later that afternoon, the Australian Institute called to inform me about research they released subsequent to my question, poking holes in Minister Bowen’s response; according to their data, cement and steel account for less than 4% of emissions. During the week, the crossbench met with the Investor Group on Climate Change and discussed how to work cooperatively to accelerate transitioning to net zero emissions, addressing the challenges posed by the climate emergency, looking at policy settings to improve innovation in a competitive economy responsive to the challenges of accelerating the pathway to a cleaner, more sustainable future.
In Canberra last week I attended the Parliamentary Friends of Arthritis group which is supported by Arthritis Australia. Arthritis affects more than 3.6 million Australians of all ages, including children. It’s a leading cause of disability, chronic pain, and early retirement, with people facing mental health impacts and expensive out of pocket costs to control their condition. We heard from speakers about the importance of prevention where possible, as well as ways to better support children and families when childhood arthritis is first diagnosed.
I also attended the Hearing Health forum, had my hearing checked, and learnt about the cost disparity to the Government of aids and support comparing access though the NDIS (approximately $8300 per person) and the Government’s own Hearing Support Program (approximately $650). Significant savings can be made, while simultaneously reducing strain on the NDIS by redirecting participants via the HSP. Currently, Australians are no longer able to access the HSP once they turn 27.
I spoke to Helen Haines’ Matter of Public Importance on Wednesday, addressing the negative impact of depleted healthcare staffing on our hospitals, primary health and aged care networks. These shortages are affecting the quality of care, and the ability of the workforce to care for themselves.
On Thursday morning I attended a breakfast briefing with the Parliamentary Friends of Endometriosis Awareness; approximately 11% of females experience this life-impacting disease. Endometriosis Australia Board and Clinical Advisory Committee Member Associate Professor Anusch Yazdani spoke to the clinical concerns faced by women including the delays many face receiving diagnosis of disease. Later the same morning I participated in the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme meeting to discuss the ongoing work of the committee. Our first Interim Report will be released next week.
On Monday I was able to fit in a short visit to the Parliamentary Friends of Refugees launch, to celebrate the important role that refugees play in our community, with a multi-party group of Parliamentarians who share a vision of creating a country that is more welcoming to refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia.
On Wednesday attended the Women's Economic Security, Safety & Certainty forum, organised by the Parliamentary Friends of Women and Work. Speakers included Anne Summers AO, Sam Mostyn AO, Professor Kay Cook and Terese Edwards, discussing issues that continue to discriminate against women and single mothers, including domestic violence and current consequences of the Australian Child Support Scheme framework, as well as suggestions for ways to make a difference in the May budget. I look forward to seeing what proposals are in the May budget regarding health and welfare at a time when many of our most vulnerable are doing it tough.
I'm looking forward to moving a couple of amendments to the Safeguard Mechanism legislation next week - it needs improvement. I'll also be supporting Helen Haines' Cheaper Home Batteries Bill. Next week's legislative schedule is not yet finalised, but I'm sure there'll be a lot to do. After that, I'll have a full month back in the electorate. I look forward to seeing you soon on the streets or parks of Kooyong- or please make a time to catch up with us in the office, if there's something my team and I can help you with.
Until then, stay well.