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Become a Flyer Team Leader

Absolutely anyone can be a Flyer Team leader! And we need as many as possible to ensure Kooyong stays Independent at the next Federal Election. 

What does a team leader do? 
- Confirms the meeting point and arrangements prior to the day (we may need to make adjustments for weather)
- Brings the flyers, and any other materials required (this will be in an easy-to-carry box). If you become a regular team leader, you can hold onto these and take them home for your next session.
- Briefs the volunteers as they arrive, and chooses the exact location of the session! (Sometimes the location will be an intersection, and so the team leader decides which corner to stand on, etc.)
- Ensures new volunteers are paired with experienced ones. 
- Takes photos of the session!
- Makes sure the vibes are high, and the volunteers are positively glowing.
Fill out the form below to express your interest in being a Team Leader now.