Come along and see democracy in action.
Doing politics differently isn’t just a slogan, it’s fundamental to my approach as Kooyong’s independent.

Doing politics differently is about listening to you, being transparent about what I’m doing, and letting you hold me to account.
I’ve been holding regular pop-up offices around the electorate, and my team has done a wonderful job successfully responding to questions and requests for help.

These town hall meetings are a key part of my commitment to properly represent your values. They’re a chance for me to hear from you and update you on what I’ve been up to.
There’s lots to talk about.
I’m going to give you an exclusive preview of my upcoming lobbying bill, which would finally regulate the murky world of political lobbying. Politics are influenced by vested interests far too much. It’s time to clean up the joint.
I’m particularly interested, as always, to hear your experiences with cost of living pressures. The area that keeps coming up the most is housing; both availability and affordability; the cost of renting, rising mortgages and rapidly increasing housing prices. These are a real concern, particularly to younger members of the community and those with children looking for homes of their own.
And of course, there’s climate change.
Instead of taking the climate crisis seriously, Labor has recently approved five new coal projects. I’m looking forward to hearing your ideas and sharing my thoughts about what we must do to prepare for our clean energy future.
I look forward to seeing you there.